Friday, August 01, 2008

Our Journey, Thus Far

We met in the Fall of 2000 at the Dummar's little blue house where Kurt's brother Ryan was living, and started dating after Thanksgiving. It's hard to believe we've now been married for 7 years!
2001--Engaged on Valentines Day, Kurt met my family after we were already engaged. In different states over the summer, we finally were back together for our wedding--August 4, 2001, in the Salt Lake Temple. The day was "perfect". We honeymooned in Seattle and made our first home in Provo. Kurt was working at ProHosting, Rachel found a job nannying a few cute kids in Provo.
2002--Attended the Salt Lake Olympics Medal Ceremonies (saw the Goo Goo Dolls). Vacationed in Cambridge, Idaho (where Kurt grew up). Spent our first anniversary camping in the middle of nowhere surrounded by grazing sheep. Moved into a basement in the tree streets. Rachel started working at BYU Independent Study. Visited extended family in Colorado.
2003-- Vacationed in Boise, Idaho (thought Kurt might work for Micron). Graduated from BYU, Kurt in Japanese with a Business Management Minor and Rachel in Marriage, Family, and Human Development. Rachel went to work at Mountain West Title, Kurt at Multiling. Took a trip to Idaho Falls for our friends belated wedding reception. :)
2004--Bought our first home and moved to Payson, Utah. Spent a lot of hours putting in a fence, landscaping, and decorating. Bronx joined our family at 5 weeks old.
2005--Rachel quit her job at Mountain West and we went on one of our favorite vacations up the Northern CA and Oregon coasts. Also took a trip to San Francisco with NO IDEA we'd move there the next spring. The year of weddings...Rachel's cousin Kathryn, and Ryan & Rachelle (2 of Kurt's siblings)
2006--Found out in January we were pregnant! Vacationed in St. George for a remote control fly-in. Moved to Union City over Memorial Day. Kurt started working at VMware. Celebrated our 5th anniversary in Half Moon Bay. Logan changed our lives forever in September.
2007--Celebrated a year of "firsts" with Logan. Took a vacation up the Northern CA coast. Camped at Big Basin Redwoods SP. Trips to Santa Cruz & Monterey. Celebrated VMWare's successful IPO. Nick came to live with us for 10 months, before sending him back to Utah to prepare for his mission. We went to our first San Jose Sharks game.
2008 (so far)--Found out Logan will be having a little sister in November, Vacationed in Portland & Maui, Hosted the Keyser Family Reunion, and after a weekend getaway in Tahoe plan to spend the rest of the year relaxing and getting ready for Kelsie's arrival.


Aleena said...

What a nice post. It's fun to review your history together. What an awesome family you guys are. Good luck with the rest of the year and the new baby coming! :)

Gina Marie said...

I love this post! I love knowing the time-ine! That's great! I feel like I've been married with you guys! :)


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