Kelsie Jade was born Tuesday morning, November 18th, at 5:49am, weighing 6 pounds and 6 ounces, and is 19 inches long and practically perfect!
We headed to the hospital Monday night after putting Logan to bed (around 9pm). I was only dilated to a "3" and not registering any significant contractions....however, good 'ol Doris (my midwife) told the nurse I was in active labor and to admit me. :) They started me on antibiotics for Strep B and then around midnight Doris came to examine me. During my examination my water bag "spontaneously" ruptured. Soon after I was started on Pitocin and we thought we were in for a very long night and possibly day. Once the contractions started in I received my epidural and then Kurt and I tried to rest as much as possible. At about 5am the nurse examined me and said I was dilated 8cm and then went on break. At about 5:30am I was feeling intense pressure and actually thought I needed to go to the bathroom. :) But Kurt said "no way, I remember this with Logan" and called a nurse and told her I was having urges to push. She came in, took a look and saw Kelsie's head in the birth canal. (VERY similar to Logan). This time I only pushed about 15 minutes and she was here! Needless to say, my nurse missed my delivery...
Logan LOVES Kelsie! He was very excited to meet her and has already showed her his collection of planes and helicopters.Kelsie looks A LOT like her big brother did when he was born--except her face is a little more round and her features are "daintier". Her daddy thinks she looks like her Aunt Rachelle. I guess we'll have to wait and she as she grows!
Congratulations! It sounds like everything went smoothly for you. We're happy to welcome Kelsie to the family!
Hooray!!! She is a little cutie pie! Logan looks like a very good big brother already. Rachel, I hope you are feeling well!
congrats!! she is such a doll!
Congratulations! I'm so glad she is here. I hope you are getting some rest. The 2nd baby is harder, because you can't just sleep when the baby sleeps. I hope you are feeling well and recovering quickly.
YEA! She's beautiful!
Congratulations! Yes, good luck on the sleeping! :)
That's awesome, Rachel! I'm so glad your delivery wasn't terrible. Wish I could find a Dr/Midwife like that for our next one. Then I'd look forward to it.
You look awesome, glad you are home and doing great. She is precious. It is so fun to have a little girl...
Congratulations! She's adorable. Hope you're all doing well
congratulations! how fun!
Congratulations on the perfect little darling girl! You look beautiful, Rachel! Congrats!
Congratulations! I am so glad that she is finally here and that both of you are doing well. She is an absolute doll and I'm sure that Logan will be a great little brother.
Oh yay! Hello Kelsie!! She is darling. Congratulations!!
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