Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Kelsie's 2 Weeks Old!

Not sure where the last 2 weeks went, but they came and went. This morning I took Kelsie to see her pediatrician Dr. Crook for her 2 week old check-up. I'm happy to report that while she still hasn't gained her birth weight back yet, she has gained enough that I don't have to bring her back until she's 2 months old! This made me super happy! I felt like I lived at Kaiser with Logan for the first few months of his life.

Her latest stats:
Weight= 6 lb 4 oz (4th percentile)
Height=19 1/4 inches (11th percentile)
Head Size=34.9 cm (22nd percentile)

She still is a terrific baby. She rarely cries...unless she needs to burp or lost her pacifier. She pretty much sleeps through the night. We put her down after her last feeding around 11:30pm and she'll usually sleep until 5 of 6am. If I wake up before she does I usually wake her up to eat, because she still is so tiny that she probably shouldn't miss too many feedings. However, I will admit that the "extra" sleep is nice. I actually feel somewhat like a functioning person.

That being said a few Relief Society sisters/friends are bringing dinners this week--and it is VERY appreciated. I forgot how much time you spending nursing a newborn and how exhausting it is!

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