After throwing a portable dvd player, CD case with Curious George cds (which he ruined), clothes, special shadow box frame, etc. out of his closet...and then deciding to open the Desitin tube and rubbing the contents over his clothes and his body....then trying to cut up random things with nail cutting scissors...then saying a prayer to help him fall asleep...he FINALLY did.

I wouldn't have made a big issue about the nap, but he had a full day of fun. This morning we went to the
Ardenwood farm to a special program I found out about last week. They had a special program for toddlers spotlighting a different animal each week. Today's animal was Sheep. The "farmer" read a book about how sheep's fur is turned into yarn to make clothes, then we learned different ways to "shell" corn (back in the day the Native Americans actually used big shells). Then the kids helped grind the corn into a snack for the sheep and then fed it to them. Logan loved the animals and threw a big fit when we had to leave (like usual...he's 2). The volunteer also gave each kid a corn cob to take home and make popcorn. We'll have to try it tonight!

...and Kelsie spent the day looking cute. :)
Ohhh man... I can picture the mood perfectly. Amelia threw her dollhouse and broke some furniture in it when she was in one of those moods. I can't figure out why they get so angry, so very, very angry.
Wow! Isn't desitin the worst stuff ever!?! As far as cleaning it off of things I mean. Jonah once wiped desitin all over his carpet and his body/clothes and one of Dan's suits that was hanging in Jonah's closet. What a mess! You are a trooper and your kids are so cute!
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