Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Things We Don't Want to Forget About Logan at 2 1/2yrs Old

  1. Airplanes
  2. Racecars
  3. "trains, tracks, and freight cars"
  4. Disney Channel and PBS Kids (favorites include Super Y, Sid the Science Kid, Curious George, My Friends Tigger and Pooh, Handy Manny, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse)
  5. "Logan, it's time for dinner." "Not ready yet, Mom. Not ready."
  6. "I don't want it" to just about anything that is cold, hurts, or otherwise undesirable.
  7. "Let's rock, daddy" while pointing at the PlayStation 2 for Guitar Hero (1, 2, 3, 80's)
  8. "1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7..." How many do you want Logan, one or two? "Three" (which means 2).
  9. "It's a ____, huh daddy?"
  10. "Thank you momma, thank you daddy" (For anything and everything - multiple times, over and over again. He usually says "thank you momma" to me too and then corrects himself with "Thank you daddy")
  11. He LOVES Grandpa Keyser. He's his absolute best friend. He'll often talk about going to "Home" because that's where Grandpa went.
  12. Mickey, Minnie, and Goopy
  13. His airplane blankey from Kathryn. It goes everywhere with him and it's the first thing he asks for when he gets hurt or sick.
  14. He thinks his little sister is "Cute". "She's cute, huh daddy"
  15. He's a genius on a computer. He'll spend hours in GCompris for Kids on his laptop under the stairs. He's figured out how to navigate with the track pad and click on the different activities. His favorite activity is to draw pictures using Tux Paint. He's figured out all the different brushes, colors, stamps, and shapes. Some of his pictures look like marketable modern art. Scary, actually.
  16. The kid LOVES holidays but his favorite of all time is Halloween and not because of the candy. He likes the "ooh, it's scary" parts. Especially "Hoo hoo... huh? wha's that? 's a scary owl, daddy! Scary!"
  17. We can get him to do pretty much anything if we tell him we'll take him to Nursery or Preschool after it.
  18. He takes hours to eat any given meal. He'll eat anything, but it takes forever to disappear.
  19. He eats lemons given the chance. That's right. Lemons.
  20. He learned his letters (capitals and lowercase) REALLY fast. Can now recognize his name.
  21. His first "spelling" experience was "BYU". Boy after our hearts, for sure.
  22. Likes to write "W" the most because it goes up and down a lot.
  23. He throws fits on the floor anytime he's upset about not getting something his way. (just like his uncle Noah did)
  24. He has NO fear of animals, especially on the farm.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

awww... the blankie :) thats REALLY sweet!


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