Friday, November 19, 2010

The Birthday Girl, pt. 1

My baby girl turned TWO on Thursday.  Time flies.  I was almost due with her when Logan turned two.  She has been both a joy and handful to have in our family.

Things she can do and/or likes:

  • Count to 5
  • Recognize letters
  • Look ridiculously cute
  • Great momma to her baby doll
  • Sing Twinkle Twinkle Littler Star, Itsy Spider, among other songs
  • Dance
  • Watch Wonderpets, Dora, Charlie Brown, and the Backyardigans on TV
  • Anything pretty princess
  • Pizza, pretzels, jerky, yogurt, mac 'n cheese, bananas, goldfish
  • Talk really well for her age
  • Suck her thumb (still trying to break the habit)
  • Wears almost all 2T clothes
  • Give hugs and kisses
  • Carry purses and wear earrings
  • Constantly is wearing other people's shoes
  • Interested in potting training
  • Loves the "hot pool" (hot tub) and playing outside
We've hit the stage where we no longer can stay in Sacrament meeting with her.  One of us is almost always in the hall.  She is an adorable stubborn little thing.  She'll usually scream until she gets her way or you can distract her with something.  Bring on the terrible twos...I suppose.
Kurt sold his car on Tuesday, so our plans this week kind of got switched around.  Since I had to pick Kurt up from work in Palo Alto we decided to head out to dinner and celebrate Kelsie's birthday (we thought Kurt would be buying his car Thursday night).  We're planning to celebrate with Kurt's parents when they arrive this weekend, but we let Kelsie open a couple of her presents.

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On her actual birthday we had fun hanging out in our "hot pool" aka the hot tub.  The kids LOVE it.

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