I feel like I'm totally playing blog catch up. We've had some big and not big events happen around our house lately, so I need to catch up on some of the latest life happenings.
1. Logan's Preschool: We've finally gotten Logan set up for preschool! I'm still in shock about how much things cost. But according to my Facebook friends, it's a good deal. The kids and I checked it out and stayed there all day on Thursday. The actual building is an old recreation hall, I mean REALLY old recreation hall. The building itself is kind of rundown, but I really like the teacher and how she handled the kids (and they have LOTS of Dinosaur toys, which was Logan's favorite part). I'm not sure how much "book type" of learning Logan will receive, but they have so many other positive things going on that I thought Logan would really benefit from attending. He'll be going every Monday & Wednesday from 9:30am-1:30pm. His class currently only had 7 kids in it and will never go over 9. Some other cool things -- they go on field trips at least every other month, have lunch and learn about table manners, have a worm compost pile, and a full on garden that the kids help plant, take care of, and eat. The preschool is also a Co-op which means I'm expected to work in the classroom one day a month - totally not a big deal. I can also bring Kelsie if I need to.
I'm hoping this experience will help Logan get ready for kindergarten next fall and I'm really looking forward to having some one-on-one time with Kelsie.
2. Salina's Baby Shower: My cute new neighbor Salina, who is also in my ward, is having a baby girl in February. I was asked to help with some things and jumped on the opportunity. Baby Showers are so much fun. I made the invites and decorations. HUGE thank you to my cousin Kathryn for hooking me up with so many cute ideas. I got so many compliments at the shower.
Here is Salina with her little sisters and friend.
We had a great turn out for our little ward. Salina is going to be such a cute new mom!
3. Ochsners Visit -- So I am super lame and didn't take any pictures, so hopefully Ryan or Erika did! Kurt's college roommate and his cute little family came to visit us Friday night and stayed overnight at our new place. They couldn't make it out for our housewarming party because of Ryan's work, so they decided to come over this weekend instead! The kids had a blast and even had their own little sleepover in Kelsie's room and it was nice for us adults to have adult conversations! After the kids finally fell asleep we sneaked out to the hot tub for a little bit to relax. So nice! I had to take off for Salina's baby shower, but everyone else took advantage of the beautiful weather and walked around downtown Boulder Creek. Afterwards they had pizza at Round Table. Logan loved his root beer and keeps asking for more. (I'm a mean mom and usually only give him lemonade or fruit punch, if anything)
4. Santa Cruz Wharf -- Saturday night we finally saw the ocean! I'm not sure why it's taken us this long to make it there, but we haven't been since moving in. We walked around the wharf and had dinner at Gilda's, which was great for kids by the way.
5. Busy Sunday -- This morning Kurt and I had to give our "Welcome to the Ward" talks. We were lucky that the Bishopric counselor didn't give us an assigned topic, so we totally were able to recycle talks! :) In other "exciting?" news I was sustained in my new calling - 2nd Counselor in the Relief Society. It should be fun, but a lot of work!

1 comment:
Wow that is a pretty big calling and you got it before you even gave your first talk?? That is crazy! Good luck, I can totally picture you doing that calling and doing a great job! (and preschool is awesome, but I think I've already talked enough about it. You'll love it)
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