Monday, November 01, 2010

One Month Later...

Today marks one month since we officially started moving into our house. I think it's finally starting to feel like home and the kids are adjusting well, except for missing their great friends in Union City.  I took a few pictures today of some of the clean rooms. :) 

Kelsie's Room

Kelsie's Bathroom

Living Room

Dining Room & Entry Way (not connected by the way)

Things we've done:
*Removed ugly entertainment center, installed new beautiful banister
*Enjoyed the hot tub
*Installed a fenced area for the kids
*Fixed septic risers
*Fixed plumbing (for now)
*Kurt's done hundreds of little fixes here and there
*Purchased new bedding, curtains, tv, tv stand, tools, etc.
*Purchased firewood for the winter

Still to do:
*Granite countertops (slabs are outside waiting)
*Change kitchen cupboard handles
*Finish installing curtains and valences
*Permanently fix the deck
*Take care of termite issues (very common where we live)
*Unpack the last 3 boxes hiding in the living room
*Get ready for Saturday's Housewarming Party (if you didn't get an evite and would like to come, let me know!)
Things we've learned:
*Apparently Boulder Creek gets Portland/Seattle like rain all winter, so we've been preparing for that.  Every Sunday the Bishop asks everyone if they've had any leaks and if their generator is working.
*Kmart in Scotts Valley doesn't have a craft section, but they do carry Craftsman tools
*How to run our complicated light and ceiling fan controls
*We live in Big Basin, not Boulder Creek, because the hippies/druggies live in Boulder Creek

We're hosting almost Kurt's entire family for Thanksgiving in a few weeks, but after that we are open to whoever wants to come visit!

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