Monday, January 10, 2011

The Never-ending Colds and other stuff

UGH...we're 10 days into the new year and we are still struggling to get over these nasty colds that started before the New Year.  I thought we were doing better than Kelsie started throwing up everywhere including in her carseat on the way to church yesterday. :(  She kept gagging on all of the mucus causing her to throw up.  Luckily, today seems to be going a little better.

We all finally gathered up enough energy to take down the Christmas decorations on Saturday.  As I started taking the ornaments off of the tree Kelsie had a break down and started crying, etc.  Apparently she isn't ready for Christmas to be over even with the extra week thrown in there.  This morning when I went to get her out of her crib she stood up and said, "Santa Claus is coming to town!"  Poor Kelsie is going have to wait for Santa for a long time...

In other Kelsie news, she's 95% poop trained, which is really the worst part anyways.  She asks to sit on the toilet all the time and has peed in it a handful of times.  If I made an effort she probably could be fully potty-trained...but I'm just not quite ready to do it yet.  We did buy princess panties at the store last week, so I'm sure I'll be starting soon.

I've never been very good at setting and keeping new years resolutions, but I've been thinking a lot lately about what I would like to accomplish or change this year.

  • Spend more time teaching the kids, specifically Kelsie
  • Find an exercise routine that will actually work for me
  • Set up a scrap booking group and start scrap booking again
  • Better and healthier meal planning
  • Get pregnant
  • Explore the new area in which we live
  • Learn how to take a good picture on Kurt's camera
Now that it's officially written down...I need to get to work!

1 comment:

Robin said...

Great goal list. We share some of the same goals. :)


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