Thursday, September 19, 2013

Antique Shopping

As one of our big Japanese purchases/souvenir, we decided to buy some antiques for our home in California.  Most of the furniture in our bedroom is hand-me-downs that we've been meaning to replace, but have a lower priority since no one really sees it...  Our friend Shelley is totally into antiques and referred us to her favorite shop.

Here is what we ended up purchasing!

Ramna: This is a two sided wood carved picture (I think its Cedar).  In Japan, these are found above doorways, but we're going to put it up above our bed. :)  We thought this one was cool with Mt. Fuji in it!

Chest aka Rachel's Nightstand:  I'll have to post more about this later.  The lock on the front is super sweet.

Antique Briefcase:  No idea where this is going to go, but it was too cool not to buy. :)

Tansu (Japanese chest of drawers):  This picture does not do this piece justice.  It's huge and beautiful.  It's a replica, but its hand made and build out of solid awesome wood.  The drawers are so air tight, that when you close one, another one pops open. :)

Staircase: This piece looks much cooler in our apartment.  It's a super unique staircase.  It's a little one since we don't have room for a huge one in California, but we still love it.  The Japanese didn't use to have build in staircases - they made dressers that doubled as staircases.  Cool huh?

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