Thursday, August 11, 2011

Beach Boardwalk Concert: Gin Blossoms

If you can't tell, it's blog catch up time. We're still waiting for some life changing events to happen around here...and I'm not a very patient person, so we've been trying to keep busy to fill up our time!

Every Friday night during the summer the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk throws a free concert.  I was super excited last May when I noticed the Gin Blossoms were going to be there!  Most of the acts of 80s hair bands, oldies groups, etc.  I told Kurt we HAD to go.  He was a little skeptical since he's not a concert goer at all, but he LOVED it.

The kids had a blast too dancing around and playing with the beach balls.

Afterwards we took advantage of some extra ride tickets we've been holding on to and had a lot of fun!

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