Tuesday, October 11, 2011

And then there were THREE...

In addition to our HUGE news of moving to Japan....I'm 7-8 weeks pregnant!  ...and feeling 7-8 weeks pregnant. Blah!  I've been able to keep the kids dressed and fed, the laundry is clean, and the dishes mostly done...but that's about it.  Poor Kurt has been good to me, but is certainly missing his regularly home cooked meals.  Yesterday I made him drive all the way to Santa Cruz for dinner because all I wanted was Chili's chicken enchilada soup, salad, and chips.

I will say I shouldn't complain, my pregnancies are SO much easier than most peoples.  I've just been feeling really tired and nauseated off and on.  I don't throw up or anything like that...just don't have energy to do anything.  One day my bathrooms were grossing me out so much that I paid a friend to come over and clean them for me.  Unfortunately I need to buck up, because HELLO I'm moving to Japan in 2 1/2 months!

We should be able to find out if we're having a boy or girl right before Christmas and right before we leave for Japan which will be great so I know what clothes to ship out!  Today my midwife gave me the due date of May 26, 2012.  According to my calculations I'm a week farther along, but we'll see.  I just have small babies...and I like them that way!

We've been unofficially trying since January, so we are excited for our little one to come. I'm not too nervous to have a baby in Japan because most of their doctors are trained in the US and because they don't have a lot of babies, moms are treated like royalty. :)  The only thing I'm worried about after doing a little research is that they discourage the use of drugs (i.e. pitocin and epidurals).  I don't like pain! So I'll definitely need to make sure I find a doctor who will give me an epidural.  Also, my labors tend to get going full force and then stop...thus the need for pitocin.  So, we'll see how that goes!

For now we're excited and planning our house hunting trip to Tokyo.  Kurt and I will be spending the first 2 weeks of November there with the intent of finding a place to live in January.  Wish us luck!


Marie said...

For some reason, this post reminds me of when we were little. I don't know why. Miss you! :)
Good luck with the house hunting.

Robin said...

Yeah!!! I am so happy for you. You'll be totally find by the time you move. You'll be in second trimester bliss. :)

Jenn said...

Yay!!!!! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys and all the exciting news you'be had lately! Moving is exciting and all, bit hands down babies are my favorite news. :)

Erika said...

Congrats! So exciting!

Lara Leigh Raulston said...

Congratulations!! Chili's... YUM!! I miss our Chili's dates!! I hope we get to see you when you're here!! Love you guys!

Marlyse said...

Yay, congrats! I can't wait to hear what you'll be having! I'm sure you're looking forward to that too, it's just so exciting!

Sarah Pope Photography said...

I already new this, but congrats anyway! Please let me know if I can help. :)

Cherisse said...

Omedetto! That is so exciting for you and the family. I hope that you'll be feeling better soon. We miss you!

Aleena said...

Congrats! Three is great!

Melissa said...

That is so great!!! Happy for you guys!

Melissa said...

That's so awesome! Happy for you guys!!

Adriann said...

CONGRATULATIONS! That is wonderful!!

k d L said...

apparently i'm way behind... but CONGRATULATIONS!!! sounds like the next year is going to be crazy fun for you guys!


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