Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Current State

I'm happy to report that I'm am blogging from the comfort of a new couch. :)  

Eight members from our new branch came over last night and assembled 2 couches, tv stand, the kitchen table, 6 chairs, a bunk bed, and Kurt's office desk.  They were amazing.  All that Kurt has left to do is assemble a shelving unit/bookcase.  I'm sure he'll be in a good mood when he gets home tonight as sees the progress that has been made.  I even cut up all of the cardboard boxes for him this morning so we can send them to the trash, on the appropriate day of course.  If you thought sorting trash at our house in California was complicated, the Japanese take it to an entirely new level.  We have 3 different trash pick up days. 1. Burnable trash, 2. Non-burnable trash, 3. Recyclable trash.  I guess they also pick up large items once a month.  I still have to figure out which day is which...so we have trash piles everywhere. lol

 This week we're just in survival mode as I like to put it, until Kurt gets home.  He'll be home briefly tonight just in time to hook-up our new washer that should be arriving today.  Hopefully there won't be any hiccups because I need to wash laundry for him take with him tomorrow.

We have been blessed immensely so far by members in our Branch.  Rides, letting us borrow things, assembling furniture, food, etc.  A member of the Relief Society Presidency came by yesterday and brought Costco tortilla chips and some homemade fudge.  She returned a couple hours later with a mexican casserole for dinner and peanut butter and jelly.  I stocked up on peanut better before we left, but alas its in the shipping container along with everything else I need...

Last night the Exec Secretary came over to help assemble furniture and brought with him a bag of goodies -- Trader Joes Shells and Cheddar, Frosted Mini-wheats, and chocolate covered pretzels.
Another Sister has given us numerous rides, including a ride to Costco, helped assemble furniture, and offered to wash our laundry (which I didn't need her to do).

Also, another RS sister has the same medical insurance as us and has delivered two babies here!  She sent me an email with tons of info and doctors names to look into.  She also sent some info about where to buy school supplies for the kids.

I have felt very welcomed and blessed since we moved in.  It's definitely making the transition easier.  We still miss everyone, but we're doing well...other than these stupid colds that don't seem to want to go away.


Sarah Pope Photography said...

I'm so glad people are welcoming you, and you are getting some needed help. The house looks great so far! Thanks for keeping us updated. We miss you too!

Unknown said...

Miss you much! So glad your branch is taking good care of you. Did you say there is a trader joes over there? And so glad you've found info on ob's over there. Praying you all get better soon.

Jamie Jo said...

So glad things are shaping up. I had a friend just leave Okinawa last year, so I am happy to have another friend with Japanese adventures I can follow. Also, I have the same three-seater couch from Ikea in white. I love it, although after washing the cover from kiddie oppses, it's always wrinkled. Haven't found a solution to that yet. And we just got the same bookcase in white as well. It holds a TON! Have fun setting up house!


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