We're been asked some random questions since we've been here...so I thought I'd try to remember them and add some answers here in case other people were wondering the same thing.
Q: Is Rachel going to work in Japan?
A. Short answer no. Not that I was planning to work, especially with a new baby coming...but I'm actually not allowed to. Our family came over on Kurt's work visa. If I were to work, I'd have to find someone (like a company) to sponsor my visa.
Q: Will the kids go to a Japanese or English school?
A: Japanese - at least that is the current plan. Their schooling will be in 100% Japanese. Logan can start as soon as we get the financial situation ironed out and as soon as he actually gets well enough to go! Kelsie will be starting in April (when their school year starts). Both kids are anxious to learn the language, so I think they'll do great.
Q: Is church entirely in English?
A. Yes. We are attending an English speaking branch. I did notice that the Primary children did read some scriptures in Japanese AND English, but that is about it. They also have a Japanese Sunday School class. A lot of the families have one spouse who is Japanese. There are also lots of other cultures at church...who just happen to have English in common. We've met Chinese, Samoans, Vietnamese, Filipino, African, Australian, etc. It reminds us a lot of our Union City Ward in that respect.
Q: How big is the apartment?
A: Our apartment is a 3LDK, which stands for 3 bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen. In total we have about 1300 square feet.
Q: Who is doing the cooking?
A: Both of us. :) I've been cooking mainly American food, with the exception of chicken katsu (because mine are REALLY good) and Kurt's been cooking the Japanese food. There hasn't been to many food items (in part thanks to Costco) that I haven't been able to find. It's just a lot cheaper to eat like a Japanese person. I'm sure I'll slowly switch over to cooking more Japanese meals, but for the time being Logan still LOVES his peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Q: How are Rachel and the kids adjusting?
A: We're doing well, except not being able to stay healthy. Other than to the grocery store and Mos Burger, we haven't done any exploring on our own. Kurt's been running most of the errands while I stay home with the sick kiddos. Overall, I think living in the Bay Area for the last 6 years prepared us for our move to Japan. In Union City, most of our neighbors didn't speak English and we were surrounded by Asians. :) I will say that I miss the redwoods. It's definitely different looking out the windows and seeing buildings everywhere.
Also, the kids are loving the trains and the walking has been good for me - makes me get my exercise in. My belly is getting bigger, but I don't think I've gained any weight since we've been here.
Q: Can you fit all of your stuff in the apartment?
A: We will be able to soon. :) With the exception of maybe our Christmas and maternity clothes tub... We'll find out soon enough. Everything else is fitting fine. I even have a few empty shelves in my kitchen. We left a lot of items in Boulder Creek and took TONS to the thrift store before we left.
If you have any other questions feel free to leave a comment and I'll try to answer them. Hope everyone is doing well. Miss you!
1 comment:
Thanks so much for keeping us updated! I am sorry you and the kids have been so sick. I hope you all start feeling better soon. We miss you tons here. Maci's birthday is this Saturday, and Salina and I were both like, we wish Rachel was here to celebrate with us. :(
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