Sunday, March 25, 2012

And it starts....

Almost 32 weeks.

I'm thinking the baby must have turned, because I'm experiencing all sorts of new pains (new to this pregnancy anyways...).

Fun pelvic pressure, cramping, contractions - you name it. 

Also, we have to walk everywhere. Walking has been fine, stairs not so much.  Most train stations have elevators and escalators, however, the Hiroo Station (closest to the hospital) doesn't. :(  We also have to walk up a hill to get to the hospital.  I'm thinking a taxi will be in order for Tuesday's visit unless I'm having a great day.  I decided to wear my cute heels to church today.  There aren't that high, but it was a big mistake!  Back to boots or flats next week.

Sorry for the complaining.  Husband isn't offering much sympathy tonight, so I felt like venting.

P.S.  We've had a name change for Baby Girl.  Kurt wasn't feeling the name Annie.  He liked Annelise, but not Annie, which I was planning to call her.  SO...Baby Girl will be Avri Elizabeth Keyser.  I picked out Averie initially, but Kurt didn't like the various ways I spelled it.  He was also worried about both of our girls having androgynous names. However, he changed the spelling and got over it. :)

1 comment:

Robin said...

I cannot imagine living in a place where I walk everywhere. I'd love it with no kids, but lugging them all around... Yeah, the last few weeks of pregnancy really are tough. I always forget how it is until I'm there again.


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