Sunday, October 12, 2008

Anti-Traditional Marriage Supporter Lashes Out

The hate and anti-civil rights found in many of the "No on 8" campaign supporters seems to have boiled over for at least one resident of Union City. Last week, the home of a good friend of ours was irreversibly vandalized by his neighbor. The neighbor, a resident of Union City living on Queen Anne Court, took his power tools to our friend's side of a hedge of trees planted along their bordering property line. The action was brought on by anger for a sign our friend had placed in the hedge supporting Prop 8. He removed the sign and proceeded to cut down the half of the hedges on our friend's lot in an attempt to prevent him from putting up the sign again.

The neighbor claimed he was within his rights, saying (according to our friend), "I planted them, I can do what I want with them." However, as the trees were on the property line, legally he did not have a right to do so. Under the law, plants or structures (such as fences) built within a few feet of the property line are technically owned by both owners, regardless of who originally built or paid for it.

As you can see from the picture, the result was not pretty. The man who committed the vandalism lives on the right, our friend on the left.

Vote Yes on Prop 8 this fall and don't let fear mongers such as this "No on 8" supporter scare you from doing what you feel is right.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Wow, you guys are having a lot of fun with this Proposition 8 vote. I hope you guys are being vandalized or anything. Stand strong! :)


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