Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Logan's Prayer on Election Night 2008

Logan had a very precious prayer tonight that I thought I'd share. As I was praying with him, he said, "Bless Obama" and I said, "Yes, please bless President Obama that he'll be guided to do what is right." And then he said, "And the Blues" and I said, "Yes, please bless the Blues in Congress, the Senate, and the White House to be reasonable and fair to all their presented people." And then he said, "And the Reds" and I said, "Please bless the Reds to be level-headed and supportive of the Blues and respectful of the system You established." And then we closed the prayer in Jesus' name, Amen.

May we all be so humble.

1 comment:

k N d said...

that is SO adorable! and i completely agree. :)


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