Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I want to fart, daddy!

Logan has, of late, been running up to me when I get home and saying, "I want to fart, daddy!" Rachel, of course reacted with a stern, "Look what you've taught your son." I laughed and said, "Well, I suppose you're as much to blame as I am. I think it's cute. And besides, don't you know, farts are funny?"

Well, after his many, many public and embarrassing outbursts to that effect over the last several weeks, we finally figured out what he was really saying. As 2 year-olds often do, he had confused that word with another, more ... acceptable word: Fight. He wanted to wrestle, not ... well, you know. So, now when he says he wants to fart, we politely correct him, look at each other and share a silent (*cough*) chuckle.


Kathryn said...

ROFL! too funny!

Jamie Jo said...

Oh, ho! That is one story to keep around for when he starts dating. :)

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! As always, we hope our kids come out as cute and awesome as yours.

Alyse said...

Haha...reminds me of when he would yell out the "B" word every time he saw a bird. Too funny!

Lisa said...

SO funny! We think that's pretty funny at our house as well! It must run in the family! Love you guys! Wish we could make a trip out there for some fun!


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