Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween Festivities

For Family Home Evening, we spent some time decorating and carving the pumpkins we bought while Grandma and Grandpa were here. The kids had fun drawing faces on their pumpkins, Kurt cleaned out the pumpkins and I carved them (and forgot to take a picture of them....).

And tonight we took our favorite dinosaur (Alyse you're totally getting your costume back in a couple days...) and beautiful Princess Cinderella to VMware's annual Halloween party. This years theme was Alice and Wonderland. As we were sitting at the table eating some snacks Alice came and sat down next to Kelsie. It was so cute watching her eyes light up as she had tea with Alice. :) Logan loved the petting zoo. The kids had fun petting the bunnies and looking at the pigs.
Tomorrow we're off to our ward Trunk or Treat. Logan has been super excited all week. I hope its a lot of fun!

1 comment:

Alyse said...

I'm so happy Logan has enjoyed the dino costume! He looks so cute in it. Kelsie is a doll in her Cinderella costume, too!


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