Thursday, April 05, 2012

Day Two Mini-Vacation, Pt. 1 - Tennoji Zoo

Thursday morning we woke up early, had breakfast with Kurt, and then sent him off to his client visit.  I tried for a good hour or two to get the kids to take a nap since we went to bed so late, so I finally gave up and off we went to the Tennoji Zoo.  The kids took our first cab ride without Kurt.  I was proud of us. :) We had a little hang up getting back to the hotel, but the Taxi driver was more than helpful.  I assumed he would know where my hotel was and he didn't, but I was able to find the address in my email.
 Anyways, I forgot how tiring the zoo can be, especially pregnant!  Not sure how Alyse and I survived going so much when I was pregnant with Kelsie and she was pregnant with Liesl.  Maybe the extra kid did me in? Kelsie kept running off to see some new thing and I couldn't keep up with her.  The thing I find interesting since being in Japan is how safe we feel in huge cities.  I'm never worried about someone taking the kids, I'm more worried about not being able to find them in the crowd...if that makes sense.
 Despite my lack of energy, we still managed to have a great time!  The kids were so excited to be at the zoo.  It's been a while since we've been to one (we used to go ALL the time).  Logan loved seeing the big fish in the Hippo exhibit.  Kelsie loved everything, but was really excited to see the zebras and giraffes.  I thought it was cool to see animals that we don't see too often in the States - koala bears, polar bears, hippos, etc.  I'm sure a lot of the larger zoos have them, but we rarely saw them.

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