Friday, August 12, 2011

Baby Ruby

A friend of mine's little girl passed away overnight due to a rare liver disease. She was only 7 months old. I was good friends with Matt and his sister Jamie throughout high school and we have seen each other occasionally during visits back to Cameron Park.

Matt and his wife Ani had been searching and praying for a liver donor for quite some time, but they were unable to find a donor in time.  I lost my dad at the age of 18 but I can't imagine losing one of my little ones.  I am so thankful for the knowledge I have that families are forever, and that Matt and Ani will have their little Ruby back and that I will be reunited with my Dad someday.

I wanted to share one of Ani's blog posts from last week.  Make sure you grab a tissue first.

I will definitely be holding my kids a little tighter tonight. :(

Through reading Ani's blog I realized just how important organ donation is.  For some reason the idea of someone else having a part of me just seemed so strange. However, if I was placed in a similar situation as the Taylor's praying and hoping for an organ, shouldn't I be willing to give one myself?
If you're aren't already - please sign up to be an organ donor.

A couple websites have been started to help the family raise some money for their medical bills.

Bows for Ruby

Mom's Helping Miss Ruby Jane Auction

1 comment:

ddsprncs said...

I am so sorry for their loss. It must be just awful, but you are right about having the promise of families being together forever.

My Dad also needed a liver and when we went to Stanford they advised us only 1/3 of the people who need then are able to get them. Very Sad.


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