Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Rocket is all better now

Logan went outside to play this morning and found his Rocket left outside in the cold. After bringing Rocket in he was very concerned. He needed a rag to wipe rocket off, a towel to wrap him in (because he was cold), water to bathe him (which I did in the kitchen sink), milk (bottle) to feed him, and I even saw Logan attempt to unzip his jacket to nurse him. :) After he was all better Logan pulled out Kelsie's gymini so Rocket could play. FYI-Rocket really liked it.


Laura said...

How sweet! And on a totally unrelated note, what do you think of your double stroller? My sister in law is thinking of getting the same model and asked if I knew anyone who had used it.

Marie said...


Alyse said...

hahaha....that is so funny!


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