Sunday, February 27, 2011

An Interesting Weekend

Kurt picked up his parents from the airport Thursday night for an unexpected, well expected but last minute visit.    As I typed in a previous post, we met with President Scott last Wednesday night (well a week and a half ago).  Kurt was asked to accept a calling that involved being ordained to the office of High Priest.  Kurt's parents really wanted to come out and his dad wanted to be able to ordain him.

Craig and Nancy's flight landed just as a big storm was heading our way.  It has been FREEZING (like really freezing, not wimpy California freezing). Saturday morning I woke up to a dusting of snow, which melted by the end of the day, but I can still say it snowed. :)

Luckily the power didn't go out.  Thank you Cal Trans Dept, PG&E, and Davey Tree Service for prepping the power lines prior to the last couple big storms.

Well, I guess that brings up to Sunday....
this morning Kurt was called as 2nd Counselor in the Bishopric for our little ward.  He's still technically the Young Mens President, but that should be remedied within the next couple weeks.  He'll be over the Young Mens, Young Womens, and Primary. 

I have no worries about him and his new calling...he'll do a great job.  I am only a little worried about how I'll be handling Sacrament meeting.  (The kids were horrible today)  Kelsie is the ONLY nursery aged child that comes on a regular basis.  There are two babies, but they aren't to the loud stage yet.  Lets just say, that EVERYONE knows Kelsie.  I told Bishop Rauch and President Scott that I will be parking myself next to their wives during Sacrament EVERY Sunday.  Wish me luck!

1 comment:

k d L said...

congrats to you both! that is seriously my biggest fear ever. :) but you will do great. it's amazing how the Lord blesses us with the little things when we need help.


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